As a Christian community, we at St. Mary's find our center in the worship for which we gather each Sunday. Our typical service on Sunday mornings is called the Holy Eucharist, which is a Greek word meaning "Thanksgiving". During these times, we believe Jesus to be truly present with us, as he assured us he would be when we gather in his name. In our worship, we connect to God and to centuries of Christian communities who have together partaken of the bread and the wine.
Each of us is on a journey, seeking the path to a sustaining relationship with God and with others. We at St. Mary's are like you and have chosen to journey with one another here. At St. Mary's, we have become part of a living tradition which speaks to us and challenges us to grow into a deeper faith.
Our services are open to all, and we will welcome you when you choose to join with us. In the meantime, if you would like information about participating in the life of the parish or have questions or other needs to which we may respond, please contact us.
Midweek, we gather in the sanctuary of the church for a smaller worship service of Evening Prayer. This prayer form is prescribed for daily use by individuals and groups in the Book of Common Prayer. When the Anglican church was established in the 16th century, forms for worship were set out in a Book of Common Prayer to be used by all churches in England. The services in the Book of Common Prayer were essentially those that had historically been used in the church, but with an important change: they were now designed for greater understanding and participation by ordinary members of the congregation.
Today, the churches of the Anglican Communion reach around the world, but all share the heritage of the Book of Common Prayer. Although international provinces have their own prayer books, all seek to continue the ancient forms of worship handed down to us from the time of Christ, and the spirit and principles embodied in the first Prayer Book. As times change, the Prayer Book is updated so that ordinary members of congregations can continue to understand and participate in liturgy.
Come worship with us and add your prayers to ours for the healing of the world, for developing spiritual sensitivity, for grappling with our struggles and failures, and for building strength and courage to make a difference in our families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities.
Every second Wednesday of the month the Evening Prayer service is sung and it is called Evensong.
At various times of year, St. Mary's Church holds special services at the Church to commemorate important events in the liturgical calendar and to celebrate God's loving gift of Jesus and in witness of Christ's incarnation, sacrifice, and resurrection. These services are often in the evening and feature scripture readings and special music to enhance our worship. St. Mary's Chancel Choir features prominently, but we also invite our friends, neighbors, and community leaders to join in our worship to make these truly interfaith events.
Look for announcements of these worship events on our
Facebook page for more details.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
50 W 200 N, Provo, UT 84601
Copyright © 2019 St. Mary's Episcopal Church
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