Welcome to St. Mary's Episcopal Church!
Holy Eucharist
9 am and 11 am
Evening Prayer
7 pm
50 W 200 N, Provo
3:30pm: Community of Christ
4pm: Al-ANON Family Group
8pm: N.A.
7am: S.Anon
12pm: Al-ANON
12pm: A.A.
6pm: Overeaters Anon
12pm: A.A
6:30pm: A.A. (1st & 3rd Wed.)
7am: S.Anon
5:30pm: Women's A.A. Group
5:30pm: S.Anon
7pm: CEA-HOW
7pm: Sex Addicts Anon
12pm: Al-ANON
7pm: N.A.
8am: S.A.
Please reach out to our parish office to be connected with someone that can help:
We are committed to worship that expresses the depth of God’s love for us and the transcendence of God’s grace for us. We accept others, by honoring differences of opinion and by accepting one another regardless of who we are or where we come from. We are a sanctuary for those who are searching, grieving, hurting, lonely, or in recover
We are committed to worship that expresses the depth of God’s love for us and the transcendence of God’s grace for us. We accept others, by honoring differences of opinion and by accepting one another regardless of who we are or where we come from. We are a sanctuary for those who are searching, grieving, hurting, lonely, or in recovery; and a place where people can heal and be equipped to live as God intended, in peace and love. We care about the communities in which we live; and we seek, as individuals and as a congregation, to reach out to others carrying with us the good news of Jesus’ love for us. We are rooted in historical Christianity, particularly as it is expressed in the Anglican tradition of scripture, tradition, and reason.
We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
At St. Mary's Episcopal Church, we believe that God loves you just as you are. Our mission is to be a place where anyone can feel welcome and accepted.
What we believe is probably best expressed by what we belove; we strive to give love a
We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
At St. Mary's Episcopal Church, we believe that God loves you just as you are. Our mission is to be a place where anyone can feel welcome and accepted.
What we believe is probably best expressed by what we belove; we strive to give love and dignity to all human beings, we seek reconciliation with those whom we have hurt or who have hurt us, and we practice care for God's creation. This self-giving love is the heart of Christianity. It is focused on participating in God's dream for humanity in this life more so than in a heavenly afterlife. It demands the best of each of us.
We trust in God's abundance and unequivocal grace to all and in response we follow with our bodies, hearts, minds, and spirits.
Our main worship service each week is on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. We are located at
50 W 200 N in Provo, Utah.
If you're brand new to Christianity, you haven't been to church in a long time, or you're comfortably part of another religious tradition, you are welcome at
St. Mary's Church.
Each of us is on a journey, seeking the path to a sustai
Our main worship service each week is on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. We are located at
50 W 200 N in Provo, Utah.
If you're brand new to Christianity, you haven't been to church in a long time, or you're comfortably part of another religious tradition, you are welcome at
St. Mary's Church.
Each of us is on a journey, seeking the path to a sustaining relationship with God and with others. We at St. Mary's Church are like you and have chosen to journey with one another here. At St. Mary's, we have become part of a living tradition which speaks to us and challenges us to grow into a deeper faith.
Our services are open to all, and we will welcome you when you choose to join us.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
50 W 200 N, Provo, UT 84601